This girl knows how to get things done! here she is-multitasking...just like her mom. I asked her to hold Quincy (he's getting more and more demanding...dang it!) and she immediately picked up her pretend cell phone and made a phone call. Most of her responses were, "Yes, honey" and "when are coming home?" and "how are you?". She's ready to be a mom.
Cute things my kids have said lately:
Ella said today when I picked her up from school, "Mom- Did we get a dog?" I asked "Why?". "Because your car smells like dog".
Lincoln's favorite phrase these days is "I love you bigger than the sky mom". Precious.
Ella also said to me when I made a delicious warm pasta salad (you can find this recipe on the Jewkes family recipe blog...delicious!), "Mom, you are good at making this because it's good." What am I supposed to infer from that about the rest of my cooking????
Like mother like daughter. Love that she is mutitasking on the cell while holding the baby!
thats so cute about link saying how much he loves you. what a cute pic of ella and quincy.
That is so cute! I love that picture too!
That is so funnY! Too cute!
Ella cracks me up!
This pic. is hilarious. She is growing up soo fast, and to be just like her Momma!
that picture is priceless. I love it!! And, I love that one of the things she said was, when are you coming home? Such a Mommy question!!
that is SOOO cute!! i love the things they say when they are this age.
Ezra just said today---"dad, i want to write a song that is called, 'how to teach someone to punch a bad guy and kill em' "
he is a miniature rock star.---maybe i should be worried about the title of that song :)
looks like your rockin the blonde hair!! go Claire!!
you should come visit me sometime.
i know its a long way away. too bad :(
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