I have been going around singing that tune for a while these days. Here's the latest problem that needs solving:
In order for me to be a good mom I need to be a good Claire. That involves me putting the kids in seclusion for about an hour or two everyday for "quiet" time. They have fully outgrown naps. The only solution for Link's devious nature is for me to lock him in his room. So I went to the trouble of turning around his doorknob in hopes of having a peaceful quiet time. I know, I sound abusive...but I promise, it's for his own good and really was the lest resort. I have tried EVERYTHING. The first time Link got out of his locked room I was completely in shock. I ran through my memory just to make sure that I did indeed lock the door. How could a three year old get out of a locked room?? Thank goodness for his honesty because I simply asked him how he got out and he told me he used money. He had some pennies lying around in his room that fit perfectly into the horizontal indentation of the lock. All he had to do was put the penny into the indentation and turn it and it came unlocked. The ingenuity! I was really annoyed but at the same time couldn't help but think that he was quite smart....or mischievous...whatever you wanna call it.
I thought I was smarter than him and so the next day I strip-searched him and gave him the pat down and removed all contraband from his room. About an hour later I saw him lurking about....again! I was really kind of annoyed at this point. This time he said he used the hard corner of his blanket. What three year old thinks of these things????? Next thing I know he's going to be making a shiv out of legos! We have a McGyver on our hands.
My next move: I will put duck tape on the lock so he'll have to use a lot of force and I don't think his blanket can handle that kind of job. I will keep you posted.
That is so hilarious! The "hard corner" of his blanket? who knew.
Too funny!!! Kar and I got a good laugh out of that one. Smarty pants.
i CANNOT believe he figured that out. that boy does have some mcgyver in him. oliver barely knows how to open the door on his own, much less a locked door.
that was funny! i always say a firm bonk solves almost everything....except lincoln!
He is so funny . . . you need to channel all of the smartness in another direction . . . now just figure out what that is . . . Has he dumped the TV on him again? Is he still climbing??
I love Lincoln!!
You have a smart little kid there, Claire! haha..it's amazing how creative kids can be.
Why is nobody addressing the fact that you are locking your child in his bedroom?! CPS!!!!!
I love the caution at the end. That made me laugh out loud.
just commented on your belly button post before realizing how old it was.
haha... I don't know what's worse, locking your kid in his room for a couple of hours of quiet time or turning on cartoons for a couple of hours of quiet time while i do my own thing... I agree, we all need a little break every once in a while, esp. when the kids are going through the, "But why mom?... well, why.... why... why?" stage... or the forever in pretend land stage, which results in them getting mad when you don't play along the way that they think you should, maybe that's just me and my 3 year old?! ... Anyway, why not buy a new, cheap doornob at lowes.. one that locks with a key? ha.. At the same time... aren't you worried that what he'll do to his room while you're not in there? I have a friend who's kids have drawn all over walls, thrown clothes on top of lamps and started a fire, etc..granted, they are pretty destructive kids to begin with, but she won't leave them in their rooms anymore! lol...
I'm laughing out loud. Partly because of Emily's "bonk" comment. I really can't believe how smart/determined/mischevious he is. What a stinker. Maybe you could give him a jigsaw puzzle to do in his quiet time??? :)
Whoa. You got a smarty there! You need a better lock woman! Or try the duct tape first and see if that works.
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