Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blizzard of 2010

It doesn't take much to decree a snowfall a 'blizzard" here in GA. Last Friday we got this much snow. School was canceled, people were running to the grocery store the night before getting their bread and milk and there were NO people on the roads. Another sure sign there was a horrific natural disaster: Wal-mart was EMPTY on Friday morning. Ella and Lincoln were very disappointed they didn't get to build snowmen but were mildly thrilled to be able to don their winter weather attire. Don't be fooled; this attire will keep them warm in subzero temperatures...as we often have in GA.

Awkward moment:
I was at Sonic and ordered a kid's meal the other day and as customary the car hop brought Link his meal. It was $3 something. I gave her four and then she asked me what I just chopped up to be an odd question at the time; "Do you need change?". I didn't quite get why she would ask something so stupid. Couldn't she subtract...it wasn't $4 even? I stammered, "Yes". But then as I drove away I realized she was asking me for a tip. WEIRD!!! I immediately felt like an idiot for not getting her "SLIGHT and ever so GRACEFUL" hint. I didn't mean to be cheap and if it is Sonic's policy to tip then I really feel dumb. So this is my question: do you tip at Sonic??? I don't believe so....but I wanted to know what you guys think. On a side-note...I really wish people/businesses would be more candid about their tipping policies. How many times have you been in a situation where you wondered if it was appropriate to tip??? It is super awkward. OUT WITH IT! Just tell me if I need to tip or not...GEEZ! I guess I should just err on the side of generosity and tip even when I am not sure.

PS- it was at the drive-thru.....


Anonymous said...

k, drive thru??? NO WAY!

Otherwise, some people do...personally, I do not tip at sonic.

I have a friend that hates it when servers at restaurants ask if he needs change. He thinks it is presumptuous and that if they ask, he leaves them less than if they just quietly bring back the change leaving it up to him.

The Smiths said...

Your little family is so adorable...they must get it from their mama! I especially love the pic of Quincy in the dolly bed.

Teryn said...

I have this same question every time I go to sonic! I had a roomate in college (freshman year, before byu) who worked at sonic and definitely expected tips.. but I never knew if that was just her or if it was a policy.. I know that she got paid more per hour than say a waitress would?! hmmm..

Rebecca said...

that's more snow than we've gotten this winter. no way to tipping at the drive-thru.

Alicia said...

That is too funny....I don't tip at the drive-thru, because I obviously chose the drive thru so I wouldn't have to. When they come to your door though, I do.....I think it's stupid to tip for fast food. Tipping has always been expected at Sonic though.

Jake and Emily Hutchings Family said...

tipping is not expected! they get paid more if they wear roller skates, which i rarely see anymore. when i see them wearing roller skates and trying their hardest to get the most money...then i'll THINK about tipping.

Erica said...

Drive through tipping is crazy - especially for fast food! Your kids are so adorable and I am sure that Link was excited for his meal!

Kenda said...

Yes you tip if they bring the food to your car. No way if you go through the drive through. That was rude and desperate of her.

Rebecca said...

sisters' means plural. sister's means singular. i put sisters'. don't worry...

Jessica Sedgwick said...

I love those Georgia Blizzards. I remember listening to the radio on the mornings we woke up to snow, just praying that our schools would be canceled. Such a happy feeling when they were!

Lauren said...

I was reading this thinking... when they come skating out they expect a tip (old-fashioned if you ask me). I finally wised up and used the drive thru... where there is NEVER any tipping. Who do they think they are! Especially not for a $3 meal. She expected a 30% tip? Please.

(not sure if you've ever had a diet strawberry limeade there but it is so yum (!) and the only worthwhile alternative I've found to a fountain DC.)