This girl knows how to get things done! here she is-multitasking...just like her mom. I asked her to hold Quincy (he's getting more and more demanding...dang it!) and she immediately picked up her pretend cell phone and made a phone call. Most of her responses were, "Yes, honey" and "when are coming home?" and "how are you?". She's ready to be a mom.
Cute things my kids have said lately:
Ella said today when I picked her up from school, "Mom- Did we get a dog?" I asked "Why?". "Because your car smells like dog".
Lincoln's favorite phrase these days is "I love you bigger than the sky mom". Precious.
Ella also said to me when I made a delicious warm pasta salad (you can find this recipe on the Jewkes family recipe blog...delicious!), "Mom, you are good at making this because it's good." What am I supposed to infer from that about the rest of my cooking????