What happens when Daddy's take their sons to baseball games unsupervised??? Funny you should ask that.....see this is what happened.
Jason and Link went to Braves game about 2 weeks ago...unsupervised. :) Link was sitting in the unstable stadium floppy chairs. You know the type. It was flopping. Link was picking his nose or digging for gold...who knows. He's got his finger up his nose a lot these days. All the sudden, his precarious balance on the front of the the floppy chair is threatened and he gets slammed to the back of the seat in mid nose pick. Thus, his finger jammed up his nose. A fair amount of crying was reported by Jason. He was hysterical again when I wiped his face when he got home. The next morning he was sniffling a lot. He told me there were bugars (how do you spell that...it's not the spell check...go figure) in his nose so I gave him a kleenex to blow and nothing came out. The next minute he was sneezing and lot of stuff came out all over the kitchen chair. I looked closely at a brown clump and observed something very strange. There was a peanut in the snot. A PEANUT! So this is the conclusion: Link was playing and putting a peanut up his nose when his balance was compromised and the peanut was shoved up. Poor guy...he slept all night with that jammed up his nose. It reminds of me the Simpson's episode where Homer had shoved crayons up his nose when he was a baby. This was the explanation for his stupidity.
Ok, so my mom and I are literally cracking up right now! She was blog surfing and discovered yours! She made me aware of a post I had never read before about a few interesting experiences involving the Griffin Ward. HILARIOUS! What the heck is up with the pork comment? Who was that and WHY have I never heard THAT story before. We need to talk!
I'm Michelle's mom, Diane. I started reading your blog from Michelle's blog, and was having a great time!!! I am so glad Michelle has such great friends. Your family is adorable, too. BUT, besides that..YOU ARE HYSTERICAL. Love this peanut story. It reminds me of my oldest son, Drew, almost 32 years ago, when I took him to the doctor to find out what disease he must have, because his ear kept "leaking" green fluid. Turned out he had a green bean stuck deep in his ear for who knows how long!
But..the funniest post of all...was August 4, 2008. I had to call Michelle and ask her about it. She found it and we laughed and laughed on the phone.
Anyway, thanks for a good time.
And watch out for those pork chops.
POOR little Linkerdoodle! That's so hilarious. Jason must have been pretty into that game.
This reminds me...I used to have a cat that sneezed out brown clumps....hmmmm.
I think you spell it "boogers" :) Ha ha! such a funny story. I know kids that have had polly pocket shoes stuck up their nose and then wound up in the ER!
Poor thing! I hope he is feeling better! I am glad my kids havent tried anything like that yet.. That I know of anyway...
Claire- you have the funniest things happen to you and your kids!
I am impressed that you checked out Lincoln's snot to find the peanut :)
first of all- ouch! secondly, a peanut???!!! aaahhhh!
That's too funny and too sad all i n one!! Poor kid! I remember getting a fruit snack stuck up my nose when I was little...haha..
YUCK!! That is pretty funny, though.
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