This week has been a tornado of events. I feel like Dorothy with things flying all around me and out of control. Link would be Toto, always running off and Ella is the nice witch, just because she's pretty. Ok, enough of that. Anyway....We got back from our THREE WEEK trip (I hesitate to use the word vacation b/c us moms know that when you go out of town- especially if your driving 60 hours across the US- without your husband, it's MORE work to be away from home than to be home) on Tuesday night at 9:30 pm GA time. My kids at this point are probably suffering from vertigo or something b/c we have been back and forth between every time zone possible. So they crawl in bed and I have to wake poor Ella up at 7am (5am on her little body) to go to her first day of Pre-K. Waking her up on this particular morning was proving to be VERY difficult. As soon as I said, "it's time for school" she perked up and jumped out of bed. This is how excited she was to go to school. There were no tears from her, but I must admit, I was a little weepy...It was sad for me to let go of the reins in a little child becoming susceptible to other peoples' philosophies and other kids' bullying. That was the hardest thing for me....letting go of Ella's innocent little mind and allowing others to put their foot print on it. Anyway, she loved it. Every minute of it. She even said, "Mom, I met someone today". It was weird to hear that phrase b/c i automatically thought, "she'll probably say that in another context in 20 (hopefully) years." That night Jason gave her a father's blessing for the new school year. We've explained the priesthood before and have compared it to magic...of course...what else could it be compared to? :) The next night at dinner prayer Ella thanks Heavenly Father for "the magic".
PS- I would just like to note that the puffiness you see in my face in this picture is due to my pregnancy. Certainly, it has nothing to do with eating fast food for three weeks.
that is the SAME fear I have about letting Avery go to school. Letting other people mold their minds! But, that "magic" has to help keep them on the right track! :)
You look great even with a little puffiness!!
Hunter started on Monday as well and I had a really hard time with it. The thought of my little one with others scared me...I cried all day, but he did very well.
I totally forgot you were pregnant. You look so adorable! I am sooo dragging my feet about preschool. I have picked one but haven't officially enrolled her....and it starts Monday!!! Scary.
How exciting! I'm glad Ella loved it so much...must make it easier to "let go". And, that preschool looks so LEGIT!! This is Spalding county???
I love how Dee Doo is in his jammies...must've been early. You can do that when you live in the boonies. :)
I can't believe Ella is old enough to be in school (although it is pre-k). She is so cute! Hopefully her eagerness for school continues for a long time.
Such a big step, in her and your life, to let her start school.
What a ball of emotions you must be right now! =) You look great preggo lady!!
Hey!! You actually look pregnant now. So cute! You look great!!
School is a hard thing isn't it? I still have a pre-school freak out about what Kar's going to be exposed to during the next school year. Especially with her getting older. I'm afraid it doesn't get too much easier. Thank goodness we do have the "magic". What would we do without it?!
Glad you all are back! We've missed you!
Congrat's on the pregnancy Claire! What are you having?
Ella is so cute! Claira starts a 3 year old pre-school this year, 2 days a week. I agree.. it is hard to let go and let others "mold their minds".. ugh!
Man, I never would have thought to give a father's blessing for preschool. Good thing I have you guys to look to as an example before I do anything with my kids. Cooper is thoroughly fascinated with going potty now that he's seen Linc do it. Fingers are crossed!
Kate doesn't start school until the 24th...but she's asking everyday how many more days it is until then (and I'm on a personal count-down as well...can't wait to be 2 v 1).
I weaned Lauren b/c she just wasn't nursing great and I was stressing about it all the time...not worth it. She weaned perfectly and LOVES her bottles already. Its kind of sad.
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