Saturday, August 23, 2008

Twilight Disappointment

I got on my sister's blog (click on Bell Fam) today and my bro-in-law has written a hilarious parody on the Twilight series. It's a must-read. I must admit I would have been a little annoyed if I had read that post several months ago, after completing (with an addiction like obsession) the reading of the first installment, "Twilight". Us Twilight fans take Bella and her vampire very seriously. Not to be made fun of. Although, when my husband finally confronted me wanting to know why I had been an absent wife/mother for two weeks due to the reading of these big black books I was admittedly embarrassed when I confided in him that the books were about vampires. Such foolishness! On I read, despite Jason's teasing. What adult reads about vampires?
Now don't get mad readers and Twilight superfans, but after reading the fourth and final installment, I am all for the parody. The fourth was a little...uh....dragging and unexciting until the last 200 pages. But for a 750 page book, that says a lot. I found myself asking the question, "Why am I reading this? It's so dumb". But I still turned the pages. Those books have some kind of power over the reader. Well, at least me. After finishing it I had a similar feeling as to that of finishing an episode of "The Hills"- wow, I am dumber for watching/reading that. Although it is a wholesome form of enteratinment, I was disappointed with the last book. Disagree all you want.


Jake and Emily Hutchings Family said...

you know, i think i agree. maybe we've just really matured since the 3rd book so now we're above and beyond the whole vampire thing. maybe??

Hannah Stayner said...

I totally agree! Finally someone shares my view! I actually skipped 100 pages and didnt miss a beat. I wanted it to be over so bad but for some reason just kept reading. I actually had a harder time with the last 200 pages than the first bit. I found myself hating bella through half the book. She seemed annoying to me. Ha ha. Funny how you can be so obsessed with something and then totally change.

Rebecca said...

Totally agree. I actually thought it got progressively dumber as I read. So anti-climactic. Dumb. I felt dumber for reading it too. I'm reading The Host right now, though, and I must admit, once I got past the first 100 pages or so, I'm really enjoying it. It's a lot more adult than the Twilight series.

Anonymous said...

Oh darn. I am reading book two and am enjoying it. I hate to think that then it just gets boring. maybe i should stop at three! and then just get filled in by the movie!

Jill Bagley said...

well, that is how i felt about harry potter.
but i would agree that "the HILLS" is dumb. but i dont know if you even said that in your blogging. See how bad my comprehension is? this is why i dont read books. i just make jewelry and stuff.
books on tape are going to be my only way of knowing about literature.if they only made college text books on tape, then i might have flown through college. your funny. your love of vampires.

kateworthi said...

Actually, everyone I know agrees with you. I only know 1 person that really liked the book - excluding myself. I did like it, but I didn't take it too seriously. And it WAS slow though. I hated the Jacob part, but then again, I'm not a Jacob fan.... Everyone I know was disappointed though - isn't that sad for Stephenie? :)