Everything in this post is backwards...of
course. Ugh. Blogger (or maybe me) has really got to get a handle on that. Does that frustrate anyone else??? Anyway......this was our Thanksgiving table. Wow. There was so much
delicious food. We are so lucky and so grateful for many many things. Especially good food. YUM.

Cheeseball picture......I know.

Although Ella looks....well...tipsy, I couldn't resist putting this pic up. It has so much
potential!!!! Oh, photoshop, I wish we were better acquainted!

This one redeemed that one. SO CUTE!

Croquet, cooking and football dominated our Thanksgiving week.

Oh, and this.
Huffin' for
Stuffin' race. This is how I like running to be- pure fun. No training, no one taking it too seriously. Just fun. Loved it. This was Jason's debut as a runner. His first race. And he still beat me...of course. Just barely. :) I will blame that on those long legs of his. :) The whole
Allred fam ran some part of this race (10K, 5K, mile fun run and tot trot).

fam before the race with the turkeys. Jason kids and I are on left and bottom. What
a hot bunch!

Quincy's stalker/uncle/future-Georgia-resident and wife in tow came into town for the big Turkey day. I got a really great break because Billy could not get enough of our little angel Quincy. Thanks Bill!

These guys looking REALLY serious before the race. Yes, Jason wore that. And so did Bob...read on....

Stretching. I would just like to note that the night before the race Bob (my F-I-L pictured here in his favorite color, yellow) asked me what to wear for the race. We had an extensive conversation none of which he internalized. Too funny. He is wearing loafers and jeans to run a race. He kept me laughing.

And these last two pics are enough to melt your heart.
Michelle (our primary president) is going to die when she reads this. Last week as soon as I got the kids for sacrament meeting Lincoln tells me to say thank you and then hands me a little square that says "service smile" on it and says, "you're welcome". Then Ella scrams, "Lincoln, NO! It's supposed to be a secret". Baffled.
But then when I got home and my bed was made (and even topped with Ella's green vintage pillow all the way from upstairs in her room - she insisted it was the "king" pillow) and had another service smile paper on it I understood. They had been learning about service in primary and were told to do a secret act of service and then leave this little card. I am sure Michelle suggested small things they could do to offer service like saying thank you to mom and dad and that's where Lincoln went astray. :) I almost cried though when I saw my bed. All equipped with the king pillow. What a sweet girl! Thank you Michelle for teaching my kids about service!
Can she come and leave a service smile on my bed???
Cute post! I loved your self proclaimed "cheese ball" picture. I didn't think it was cheesy but maybe I am cheesy...hmmm...?!
About your pics order...after you upload them to your post, you can either drag them where you want them and re-arrange your text or you can copy and paste them where you want them. =)
I know you can do that...I just don't have the patience for that.
aww, thats so sweet! i love bob's running outfit. cute pics, esp the cheesy one.
I love, love, LOVE your kids! This post made my night,...seriously! I can't beleive they remembered to actually do it. Maybe they DO hear a few things I talk about in Primary ;) Thanks so much for sharing, Claire!!
I have the same problem with blogger. And I can't even figure out how to effectively drag my pictures around. I always end up loosing them if i try! I guess I need blogging school.
I have the same problem with blogger. And I can't even figure out how to effectively drag my pictures around. I always end up loosing them if i try! I guess I need blogging school.
Bob's running outfit is too funny. And I think it's great that he consulted you about what to wear. :) I love the leaves on the ground for your pics. Cute family pics!
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