Sunday, April 20, 2008


It's the end of the day and it's another one of those that I think to myself, "I lost my patience way too much today, I'll be a better mom tomorrow". Some how, looking at pics like this makes me think how loveable and sweet my kids CAN be. Tomorrow.....I can do it! :)


Jake and Emily Hutchings Family said...

that is one of the cutest pics i have ever seen of your kids! claire, you are a good mom-your kids are the bad ones! they should be the ones waking up every morning and saying, "i'm gonna be a better kid today". they're definitely not as bad as you say they are...that probably didn't make you feel great, though, huh?

Lindsey said...

LOL to Emily. That cracks me up. She is SOOO right. haha.

I have never seen Ella look more like you! That is a little miniature Claire! so cute...

Teryn said...

Oh Claire! I'm glad I'm not the only one who has those "too little patients" days :) Your kids are adorable.. it's hard to imagine anyone having a hard time controlling their temper around them...haha.. j/k! I know EXACTLY what you mean :)

Rebecca said...

Ella looks so much like you in this pic. cute kids.

Alicia said...

They are soo precious, and I know your a great mom! Give yourself credit, it's hard to raise two rugrats that close together!!!

Rachel said...

Ella looks soooo much like you in this picture, Claire. So cute.

kateworthi said...

Loveable is right! HOw stinkin' cute are they!? Everyone is right, Ella really looks a TON like you in this pic. Adorable - just like you! I know what it's like to feel like you've just lost your patience too much that day - heck, I'm feeling like that right now. But for real, your kids love you so much, and you are doing such a great job with them! Don't be hard on yourself!

Michelle said...

Remember that Michael McLean song he sang at TOFW outlining days just like this! You are great mommy, Claire!