We are official red-necks. Yes, we live down the street from horses. But no this is not our yard with all the broken down cars in it. It's just around the corner. Don't you love the no-zoning districts?? Ella and Lincoln love to take a walk and feed the horses carrots. They are so fearless. It suprises me. Except this time, Ella claims the horsey bit her (notice the pic of her extending her hand). I'm sure it was just a nibble. We had a funny conversation on the way home tho...here it is
E: Mom, I can smell the horses.
C: really, what do they smell like?
E: Like the cows.
C: What do the cows smell like?
E: like Ella.
C: When Ell's poopy?
E: Yeah, and when Dee Doo's poopy too.
I share the same sentiment about these two animals. Phew!!!
LOL - Ella is so smart! Gotta love the country life...
I'm glad she admits her poop is stinky. :)
Kids say the cutest things! I can't wait for Madison to start talking.
So funny! I'm glad you wrote this story down...Ella's hair is getting SO LONG!!!
I'll second that stinky poop. oh, and BTW, it was Brian who commented under my name about Lincoln's hair. He was just trying to make me look bad...:)
She's cute, and I love her little comments. I can't wait till Logan can say words.
adorable. Ella is so cute!
That's hilarious! Personally I think Lincoln smells worse than the horses and cows...but that's just my opinion.
This makes me want to settle down in the country.. but then again, nah - I don't think I could live that far away from fast food. Because I'm the BEST homemaker!!! :) XOXO
You gotta love the smells of country living.
Ella is such a funny girl.
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