Monday, August 8, 2011

Fresh start

We are off to a fresh start here in Augusta- well, Martinez. Pronounced Martin-ez. I know. Weird. Our house has fresh paint and fresh carpet, we have a freshly born kitten running around which Ella named Maui. Jason will have a fresh start at school on Wednesday and today my two oldest have a fresh year and a fresh new school to look forward to. And Quincy and I will explore our new surroundings together! And....a fresh new baby to join our family soon. So many new beginnings. We even attended our new ward yesterday and before we even went to church Jason got a call to be ward clerk. How do they even know we are the type to do our calling? Someone has been anticipating us and studying us out. The church has secretive ways. :) are some pics from this morning before the kids got on the bus. They were so excited this morning and last night. Jason gave them both a father's blessing and both of them expressed concern with making friends. Lincoln sepcifically said, "I am worried cuz I want Pooker (Cooper-cousin)". They had a special waffle breakfast and then it was time to go.

Yes, Lincoln is carrying his lunch in a toy story gift bag. HEY! We've only been here six days. His lunch box is MIA. He was thrilled to have this "present" instead.

Looking down at neighbor kids waiting for the same bus.

And....they're off!

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Jene and Megan said...

I always loved going back to school as a kid and I'm sure I'll love even more as a Mother. =) I can't wait to send off the kiddos to the bus and pack lunches and all that good stuff. I hope you are all getting settled in..apparently they are going to speed up that process in your ward with Jason's new calling already! Best of luck to everyone and their fresh start this school year!!

Lauren said...

wow you are so brave. Sending kiddos off on the bus, new grades, new school, new house, ahh! makes me anxious just thinking of it!

good luck in augusta - Ben would consider it one of the most coveted places to live in the US - being able to smell augusta national from your front porch. :)

LOVE your front planters btw.