Thursday, June 24, 2010

I have so much to blog about....but for is this.
My sweet sweet angel Quincy who now loves to sit up while he bathes and loves to splash around. He doesn't even mind getting water in his eyes which shockingly my 4 and 5 year old think is the END.OF.THE.WORLD.

This past week my mom, Quincy, and I journeyed to Minnesota so my mom could get a cochlear implant. First let me just say that the weather was so pleasant i didn't want to come back. Last time I was there it was February and the weather was arctic. This was perfect- mid 70's and 80's. SO nice. On to more important things....Mom got her implant on Friday. The actual surgery went really well. A rather small incision behind her ear. They put an implant in her ear that extends out to a magnet that is behind her ear in between the skull and muscle. We focused on healing from that for a couple days. This picture is the day of the surgery. Have you even seen someone so beautiful right off of the operating table? Mom is so graceful and beautiful. SO then on Monday and Tuesday we had appointments that programmed the trasmitter that connects on the outside of her head. Mom is so brave to go on this journey. She essentially has to learn to hear all over again because the sounds are very different. What a task!


Anonymous said...

Q is just about the cutest baby ever. I love him!
Your Mom is the cutest surgery patient ever. I can't wait to hear how she is doing.
Did you really delete all those pictures? I'm so sorry.

Connie said...

Thanks for being such a greeat support to your mom! Keep us posted on her progress!!
Quincey is the cutest little guy ever!! I could just squeeze and kiss him for ever!!