Sunday, June 27, 2010


We just got around to celebrating Father's day today. I was in Minnesota with my mom for the actual day but don't you fret...his mom spoiled him rotten. I gave him a gift that day but wanted to make him a special dinner and his favorite cake and treat him like a king. Happy Father's Day!!!!!!

PS- His favorite cake is a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting that Emily posted on the Jewkes Family recipe blog (look to the left for link). It is so delicious.


Alicia said...

Quincy just doesn't even look like the same baby with that blonde hair! He is so stinkin' cute!!!

Jessica Sedgwick said...

That cake looks yummy. Jason is lucky--Dave just got the Costco red velvet cake. And I bought it b/c it's MY favorite, not his. :)