Husband and Wife Tag
What is his name? Jason, stinky, CEO :)
How long have you been married ? 5 yrs in Aug
How old is he? 31 (I know, how lucky that he got a spring chicken)
Who eats more? ME! Big surprise there. HELLO! Just look st the pics.
Who said I love you first? He did, but I said it right back. During Christmas break.
Who is taller? He is.
Who sings better? We both can naturally sing on pitch. I would have to say I have more training, but i am not very good. He is a natural adn i wish he'd sing more b/c he's really better than he gives himself credit for.
Who is smarter? Jason, definitely. He knows everythign about politics and history and loves to learn. HEY- it keeps him young!
Whose temper is worse? HIM.
Who does the laundry? Yeah right. Me. Why the question, as if to assume.
Who does the dishes? I do, but he helps sometimes.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Right side looking in or laying down? If it's looking in, he's on the right.
Who cooks dinner? I do, mom and emily do too. We dinner share. It's great.
Who drives when you are together? Jason does...I think it's so he can control the radio and listen to talk radio.
Who is more stubborn? He is. But he would probably say I am. I guess that's kind of funny considering the question.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? We both do in different situations.
Whose parents do you see the most? Mine, because we live closer to them.
Who has more friends? We both have friends, but he's so busy he doesn't get to keep up with I would say me. But Jason is a good, loyal friend.
Who has the most siblings? I have ten siblings. YEAH GRANDMA JEWKES!
Who wears the pants in the family? We both have one leg in them. He wears the financial and event pants and I wear the kid pants. Does that mean we have three legs?
7 Things About You Tag:Share seven facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird, whatever you are brave enough to share.~Tag people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.~Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. Here it goes:
1.I love The hills.....Dumbest show on earth. It said if you are brave enough to share. That takes a lot of courage to admit that.
2. My son really stinks right now b/c I didn't wipe him good enough last time he had a poopy diaper. He is standing right behind me in this wingback chair and I can hardly stand it.
3. My husband claims my sense of smell is so strong that I can smell a fart be fore they come out. It's true so don't even try it. Silent but think it'll be a mystery? I will know.
4. I love booty dancing to "Apple Bottom Jeans". Is that even the name of the song???? Is my Griffin showing?
5. I swear I have a compulsive eating disorder. Honestly, I ate 6 krispie cremes last saturday. It was like a challenge for me to see if I could finish them off.
6. I would really like to lose 20 lbs. Yeah right. Given the above factoid- that's not going to be possible.
7. I have a serious PMS disorder. Stay away around weeks 3-4 of every month. you might get your eyes clawed out. Good thing that mostly girls read my blog.
1. Emily
2. Lindsey
3. Meredith
4. Jenn
5. Rebecca
6. Rachel
7. Michelle
8. Katie