Thursday, January 6, 2011

The long-awaited, much anticipated, Christmas post

This is long-awaited and much anticipated, right? Fans....right? I feel like my blog is falling on deaf ears. Oh well. I live a well-documented life and that's important to me. So here we go...The Allred Christmas Season: Part One. Once again, the pics are backwards....I really need to get a handle on that.

Obviously the kids got bikes for Christmas from Santa. And he brought them each a fish. They each got their own fish jar and the makings of a fish home. They are disgusting and murky as I speak. Gross. What was I thinking? Anywho....Jason and I feared (I mean Santa feared) that the kids would be disappointed in the bikes since neither of them even mentioned wanting one. But, as good parents often do {*chuckle*}, they give their kids what they want them to have. Jason and I wanted them to have things that encourage them to be outside. So, this is what they got. And when Ella got it she said, "Oh....I didn't know I wanted a bike! ". How hilarious. She just knew that Santa was supposed to bring her things she wanted. But this was said in total happiness, not disappointment. YEAH! Proud mommy moment.
Each kid with their Betta fish. Ella named hers Brianna (which she wants to name our baby girl if we ever have one) and Lincoln named his....can't remember.

Lincoln not sure why he ended up with a bike from Santa.

The running of the kids.

Grandma and Grandpa Jewkes were in CO for the Christmas season and since it was a "Jewkes" year we spent the night at Mom and Dad's with the Hutchings and had Christmas morning together. It was fun to have a crowd and would have been lonely on our own.

Not a good picture of the pre-rip-apart-my-presents scene. The Christmas tree isn't even in it. But you get the idea.

This was the Sunday before Christmas that I deemed Christmas Sunday. I am in charge of those things you know. :) So, I coordinated the kiddos and they looked scrumptious. Quincy loved being poked in the ear by Lincoln. See?

These two pics were the best we could manage as we were running out the door to 9 a.m. church. Cute a little buttons!


Meredith said...

precious pics!! I'm still reading, so don't stop posting!

KathyH said...

Claire, so cuute and our kids still joke about never.... never.... getting what they asked for on Christmas.
Cute family! and I love the blog.

Rebecca said...

thats so cute what ella said about that bike. fun, too, that you did it at mom and dad's. just like old times...

Twila said...

Fun Christmas! I can't believe yourkids are so big! Kizzia got that same bike for her birthday in Oct. She loves it!

The Fox Family said...

I look forward to your posts Claire..keep em coming! I love what Ella said about her funny.

Lauren said...

Claire - I read blogs on google reader now and it has simplified my endless tabs and windows trying to keep up with blogs.

But I'm here - you better believe it. Wouldn't miss those darling pictures and posts of your cute little ones.

I need to resolve to be a better poster. :) Looks like you had a wonderful christmas

Jake and Emily Hutchings Family said...

i love how lincoln's got a "fierce" look in his pic!

Jill Bagley said...

ha ha,
i just posted my christmas stuff!! and its february. i have a good excuse, my computer wasnt handling picutures, but still. it sucks to have to do big ol posts.
i wish i was more functional.
your kids and my kids seem like they are all in paralell universes. i was going to give ezra a bike too. but didnt. i knew the star wars figurines would get much more playtime than the poor bike. ugg. i think im encouraging my kids to be lazy here.
i love your kids they are so adorable!! wish we lived closer. im sure they would be great friends.