This little boy....so cute!

Her facial expression in this picture says everything.

Today Ella's school had Christmas pictures (???a little early, I know). She begged me to wear her hair curly like a princess. This was the best I could do right now. :) She loved it although it's a little 1992 Ms. Teen Georgia. Yes, I got the inspiration from my sister Jennifer who actually won that pageant some where around that date. :)
i think that crown and banner are in the attic somewhere. you should pull them out and play dress ups with ella!
What a beautiful princess! And that little squishy head is just calling my name (Quincy's, not Ella's)!
Ella looks beautiful and that picture of you and Quincy looks so cute!!
that IS some teen queen hair! my friend found these amazing curlers at Sally Beauty that are so easy- you should check out her little blog on it. they'd be perfect for ella. you can go there from my blog- it's help a sister out link on my blogroll.
ha ha ha. That's some fine lookin' hair girl. She sure is proud!
I'm glad you're enjoying sluggly time with your little bug. Is quin lettin' you get any sleep? He's such a QT.... :)
Wow! You are totally SuperMom to spend all that time on her hair when you are so fresh from the hospital with a newborn. She looks BEaUtiful... especially that smile. I'll have to have her over for a princess "makeover" some time.
She looks adorable, and as long as she's happy that's all that matters! Quincy is a doll btw!
Ella probably thought her hair was perfect- I'm sure any of the granddaughters that see the pageant pic of Jenn in mom and dad's family room think she's a princess and want to be just like her- hair and all.
I hope we get to come out for Thanksgiving so we can meet Quinn! He's adorable...keep posting pics as he changes more!
Hey, the 80s (and early 90s) are back in style, right? She looks cute, and most importantly, she looks stoked. :)
I may or may not had the same hair-do when I was younger....the sad thing is that I wasn't 4. I was 12.
Quincy is adorable. I am so jealous!
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